Category Archives: Film Bloggers

Award fun!

(award graphic by me, with bowtie patterns from Pugly Pixel)

The lovely Audrey of Fedoras and High Heels (one of my most diligent commenters!) presented me with the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you so much, Audrey! As the directions tell us, I have been tasked with bestowing this award on a new flock of bloggers. Here are my picks:

Born in the Wrong Decade by Niamhy – The little Irish lass with a fondness for unusual socks, parasols and brogues (among many other loves!) spotlights her love for vintage music and hosts regular feature I love called “Quote of the Day!” on her joyful blog. She never fails to lift my spirits with her wit and Joie de vivre.

The Stupendously Amazingly Cool World of Old TV by Millie and Emm – These two ladies single-handedly take on the job of watching every piece of classic TV footage they can get their hands on. While plying you with photos of gorgeous, under appreciated stars like Gardner McKay (newest web obsession, courtesy of Millie!) they carefully evaluate shows for all-important aspects. Among the important qualities they look for: awesome 60s spies, handsome men, geek glasses and fabulous clothes.

Bake Do and Mend by Gemma – Overflowing with historical facts and photos, Gemma’s Bake Do and Mend is a treasure trove for vintage lovers. Her recent post contrasting the US and UK during the depression years fascinates me, particularly the explanation about cocktails and US prohibition.

There you have it – three new blogs to occupy your afternoon! Please do check them out – you won’t regret it, I promise!


Filed under Film Bloggers, Pick-me-ups, Tags & Awards

Huzzah Squad: The Plan

First, I’d like to offer a great big Thank You to all the bloggers who have volunteered to participate in the Huzzah Squad! You guys are absolutely super!

Here are our participants so far:

  1. Millie
  2. Addie
  3. Mercurie
  4. Audrey
  5. Matthew
  6. Jenny
  7. KC
  8. Me! (Casey)
  9. Emily
  10. Niamhy
  11. Sarah

It is not too late to jump on the bandwagon, just jot me a comment and I’ll add your name to the list!

We shall begin by each choosing a star for our first tribute. Here is a list of stars to choose from, if you need ideas. Then we need to establish the order the posts will be published (on our own blogs, or I’ll post them here for those without a blog). You guys can pick your own place in the publishing lineup, so if you covet being first, call it fast!

I am working on a logo for us to use in the posts and a button for each of us to post in our sidebars (of course you do not have to use either, but it’ll be here soon for those who would like it).

Also – I have an idea to publicize the series. What do you guys think of a special twitter feed created just to tweet these posts?

(If you are completely lost and have no idea what any of this is, read this post. All will become clear.)

****2/16/11 Update****

Tribute List:

  • Turhan Bey (Matthew)
  • Richard Beymer (Sarah)
  • Honor Blackman (Millie)
  • Michael Caine (Niamhy)
  • Michael Callan (Millie)
  • Claudia Cardinale (KC)
  • Diahann Carroll (Casey)
  • Sean Connery (Niamhy)
  • Tim Conway (Millie)
  • Peggy Cummins (Matthew)
  • Olivia de Havilland (Audrey)
  • Bradford Dillman (Millie)
  • Deanna Durbin (Millie)
  • Richard Erdman (Addie)
  • Peter Falk (Millie)
  • Joan Fontaine (Emily)
  • Steve Forrest (Emily)
  • Coleen Gray (KC)
  • Marsha Hunt (Casey)
  • Anne Jeffreys (Casey)
  • Carla Laemmle (Matthew)
  • Angela Lansbury (Casey)
  • Joan Leslie (Emily)
  • Dorothy Malone (KC)
  • Maureen O’Hara (Emily)
  • Eleanor Parker (Addie)
  • Nova Pilbeam (Matthew)
  • Jane Powell (Casey)
  • Ann Rutherford (Emily)
  • Eva Marie Saint (Emily)
  • Lizabeth Scott (Addie)
  • Phyllis Thaxter (Addie)
  • Esther Williams (KC)


Filed under Film Bloggers, Huzzah Squad

The Huzzah Squad

Calling all classic film fans: we have a new project that needs your support! As fans of films from the 30s-60s, we have the bittersweet duty of recalling fond memories when the legends of the screen pass away. It deeply saddens all of us, serving as a reminder of the precious stars remaining with us. It’s time we honored these incredible talents before they leave us.

*cue 60’s adventure music* Announcing, The Huzzah Squad!

Born out of a conversation I had with Terry of A Shroud of Thoughts, The Huzzah Squad will be our way to show appreciation to the stars right now. The plan is to form a circle of bloggers to take turns writing daily or weekly posts in tribute to a star who is still with us. If we have enough participants, each blogger will only be writing one post every month. We can band together to communicate our sincere appreciation for the amazing library of classic films we enjoy today.

So, any takers? Anybody interested in giving back a little of the happiness we receive from watching classic films? If so, drop me a line in the comments by February 11, 2011. Let’s show the fantastic actors and actresses of yesteryear how much they truly mean to us!

P.S. – please feel free to jump in even if you don’t have a blog space of your own. I’ll be happy to host guest posts for anyone interested.


Filed under Film Bloggers, Huzzah Squad

Ronnie’s Centennial

On this, the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan, I’d like to offer a few lines of tribute to a special, one-of-a-kind person we all can respect. Ronald Reagan occupies an exclusive corner of my heart, a place where calling him “Ronnie” is the only way to go. While I have an infinite list of reasons for loving Ronnie, there is one reason above all he will forever have my respect and admiration.

Ronnie truly was exactly what he seemed to be. Balancing kindness, love and a gentle nature with immeasurable courage of his convictions, Ronnie captivated all those who saw him. In his letters to Nancy throughout their marriage, he fully reveals a vulnerable, sincere side of his nature the rest of us only glimpse briefly in his screen appearances. Because of Ronnie’s complete self-confidence, he had a capacity for love only dreamed of in romance novels. Perhaps most surprising of all in light of his soft-heartedness, he was not a wishy-washy man. In fact, we have yet to see an American politician with Ronnie’s unbridled devotion to his beliefs and the courage to defend them to all dissenters. Of course he wasn’t perfect (who would want him to be?), but even when he made mistakes he handled them with grace and charm. That’s all you can ask of a person.

So, may I say: Happy Birthday, Ronnie. We haven’t forgotten the lessons you taught us, even though we miss you more each day.

Don’t miss the other tribute posts to Ronnie around the blogosphere:

Millie of ClassicForever

Laura of Laura’s Miscellaneous Musings

Niamhy of Born in the Wrong Decade


Filed under Birthdays, Film Bloggers

New art!

Hello friends! I’m woefully behind in answering your lovely comments, but I promise, I will soon. In the meantime, would you like to have a guess as to the subject of my latest portrait? This is my first caricature, rendered in vectors (infinitely scalable graphics to you) and created entirely in Adobe Illustrator CS5.

So, who is this? Extra bonus points for additional information about the character, if you know it.


Filed under Film Bloggers, My Art, School

Evil Brilliance from Millie and Kate…

In case you have no idea what this is: Millie and Kate have concocted a devilishly impossible survey for their blog readers which asks just about every question it is hardest for film fans to answer. (Hence the name, “Brilliantly Evil”) Even though the rules allow non-asthmatics like me to play along, I think I’m already at a disadvantage. However, I’m feeling rather adventurous today, so let’s give it a whirl. Get ready for hair pulling!

1. Which actors do you always (or did you always) mix-up?

Cary Grant and Clark Gable. When I a was a novice film fan, I always said one name when I meant the other. I still slip up to this day sometimes and credit “Clark Gable” with once having been named Archie Leach. It’s a quirky mind mix-up because they share the same initials.

Another pair who I don’t mix-up but do think are crazily similar sounding are Lew Ayres and Robert Vaughn. Close your eyes as you listen to these clips. Don’t they sound the same?

Robert Vaughn: (start at :12 if you want to miss Anne Francis in a black wig…)

Lew Ayres: (he starts talking at :55)

2. Gidget or Beach Party?
Gidget. No question. Sandra Dee always beats Annette.

3. Favorite Movie Outfit?
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.’s black and yellow cape outfit from Sinbad the Sailor. This picture isn’t of exactly the one I refer to, but you get the idea.

4. If you could be ANY character in ANY movie…who would you choose?

Nikki Ferris (Hayley Mills) in The Moon-Spinners. Reasons?

#1 – Having the chance to don the infamous pink outfit with mandatory red Toms

#2 – Being able to hang around with the utterly adorable Mr. Peter McEnery.

5. If you could marry ANY character in ANY movie…who would you choose?

This is an easy one. Ronald Reagan in One for the Book. His character is the perfect combination of sweet gentleness and man of action. One of my favorite scenes is when he puts the pushy Eve Arden character in her place.

6. If you could live in ANY movie…which would you choose?

Christmas in Connecticut. The house featured in the film has always been my idea of a dream home. If Reginald Gardiner happened to come along with the house – that would be more than jake with me. I could listen to him go on about the double-insulated walls and triple wall jackets all day.

(image credit: marcinéma)

7. Black & White movies you wish were in Technicolor, or vice-versa?

The only black and white scene I wish was in technicolor is the Color-Blind number from Carefree. It was originally intended to be a Technicolor dream scene, but the budget wasn’t large enough. Whenever I watch Carefree, I expect the routine to be in color.

8. Favorite Movie Soundtrack?
The Third Man (starts @ .50) It’s especially interesting how the theme recurs throughout the film just when you least expect it. It’s unsettling because the tune is quite upbeat and often feels out of place with the dark happenings of the film.

9. Favorite Movie Dance Sequence?
The Yam from Carefree with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. I always dance around to this whenever Carefree is on. Doesn’t matter what’s happening – I could have my hands covered in pasta dough or be at an important place in a painting.  All work stops!  The Yam demands to be danced! This club where the dance takes place always captivates me. I wish I could see it in person.

10. Coolest Movie Star? (Cough, cough, BOBBY DARIN, cough, cough -Millie)
Sorry, Millie!

but my choice is Douglas Fairbanks, Jr…of course.

11. Sophia or Gina (Oh, how Kate enjoys replaying Gina’s sad defeat OVER AND OVER! -Millie)

12. “Isn’t It Romantic” in most Billy Wilder films, or “Red River Valley” in most John Ford films?

I’ll go with Isn’t it Romantic from Billy Wilder’s films.

13. If you could re-cast ANY role in ANY movie, what would it be?

Gene Tierney in Laura. This is going to be an unpopular opinion, I know, but… I have always felt Gene was too cold for the role of Laura. Laura was supposed to be a extraordinarily warm, caring, insightful woman and Gene just never conveyed that for me. In particular, the scene where Laura comes face to face with her maid after *a-hem* some rather spoiler-ific things happen, Gene is not at all compassionate for the feelings of the maid. She more or less says “Get over it. And oh, by the way, make us some eggs.” It bothers me every time I see it and the reason it’s odd is because of Gene.  If I could recast the role, I choose either Hedy Lamarr or Olivia de Havilland to replace Gene.

14. Favorite movie character with your first name?

The incomparable, utterly adorable Frank Morgan plays a character named Bob Casey in Broadway Melody of 1940. I felt so lucky the first time I watched the film and found he once played a character with my name.

15.One movie that should NEVER be remade? (under THE THREAT OF A SLOW, PAINFUL DEATH!)

Roman Holiday. If some dreadful, preppy, silicone-lipped actress even attempts to hitch a ride on the back of a Vespa in Rome, I will personally steal the ignition keys and throw them down the nearest drain.

16. Actor or Actress who you would love to be best friends with?

Reginald Gardner. He seems like the kind of a guy who would keep a girl in constant laughter stitches. Plus, I’d bet he was a sweetheart.

17. Are you an Oscar or a Felix?

I go through bouts of both. For a couple months, I’ll throw everything around like Oscar. Then one day, it becomes completely unbearable and I have a big Felix clear out. It stays organized and clean until I have a stressful week. Then I’m Oscar again.

I’ve divided this survey into two posts. There is a lot of material to cover here and I’d like to get this first half published while I work on the rest of the questions. Keep a look-out for the second half, coming soon!


Filed under Film Bloggers, Tags & Awards

The Story of the Real Gidget!

[Click on the image for the largest size]

While sorting through some old magazines today, I happened to flip open a 7 year old issue of Coastal Living and saw the name “GIDGET” popping out at me from the page. Being that my dear friend Millie has a great love for the Gidget film from 1959, I of course paused and perused. The headline turned out to be a lead in for a short (one page!) feature about the lady who truly is Gidget. So, please have a look and revel in the crazy, amazing 60’s-ness of it all! :D


Filed under Film Bloggers, Pick-me-ups

Happy Birthday Matthew!

Why hello my lovely friends! Yes, I am still in existence, though you wouldn’t know it from my posting frequency. Many apologies. I’m here to begin to remedy that sad situation.

One of my favorite bloggers, Mr. Matthew Coniam, (of Movietone News) celebrated his birthday on June 20 and I would like to extend him best wishes for another year of movie watching. Matthew’s blog always drives me to try harder as a writer and blogger because his posts are so darn good. Case in point: his recent tribute to the incredible Jane Russell. The post is full of hilarious zingers, my favorite of which lies in his discussion of Jane and Marilyn Monroe. Go read the post, I’ll wait for you……………………………………. See what I mean?

Whenever a blogger friend celebrates a birthday, I like to use the occasion to learn more about their favorite stars. Matthew is a man of many classic film crushes, but he is most devoted to the gorgeous Fay Wray.

He has written several posts on the glories of Fay, so I won’t even attempt to compete with his prose. You can celebrate his birthday by delighting in them for yourselves.

Any port in a drought

Ten recommendations from 1931 – including 2 of Matthew’s Fay picks

Also be sure to check out Matthew’s new blog: Movietone Cameos – his new place for short film reviews!




I leave you now, with a quote from Fay, letting us in on a truly valuable secret of life:

I would say the secret is to be enthusiastic about everything that comes into your life. To care, to care about people. To be excited about everything that comes close to you.

– Fay Wray


Filed under Birthdays, Film Bloggers

A Belated (But Happy Nonetheless) Birthday Wish

I’ve been a dreadful blogger of late. I’m so bad I even completely missed wishing my dear niece Millie a Happy Birthday two days ago! Well I am now prepared to remedy this situation.

HaPpY BiRtHdAy MiLlIe!!!!

Millie created a terribly interesting post explaining why she will no longer be a supporter of Ingrid Bergman, do make sure you read it. I was quite sad to hear this news, so in one last blast of Ingy fan-adoration, I found two marvelous Ingy photo sites to visit… as a final farewell.

TCMdB’s Ingrid Bergman Archive Material Collection – The Saratoga Trunk wardrobe stills are particularly spectacular. Even the wardrobe practice photos were works of art in classic Hollywood!

The Life Collection of Ingy Photos – The place where all these lovelies showcased here were found. The Life Archives have made being a classic film fan even more fun than before!











I wish a very happy belated birthday to Miss Millie!


Filed under Birthdays, Film Bloggers, Pick-me-ups

Sarah’s Pi Day

Happy Birthday Sarah!

Today, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Sarah, Queen of the Quips, a marvelously happy birthday!  One of her favorite actors is Mr. Ian McShane (see above) so I thought it would be fitting to introduce you all to him in honor of her special day.

Ian McShane’s IMDb – He’s worked steadily since the early 60’s. My favorite of his roles, (and I think Sarah’s) is a swell film he made with Hayley Mills called Gypsy Girl aka Sky West & Crooked in 1966.

McShane Flickr Goldmine – The place where that adorable photo above was found. Browse around – it’s multitude of McShane Shots to choose from there.

Official McShane Facebook – Not kidding at all. He actually has a Facebook page, to my astonishment. Follow away, Facebookers!

I hope Ian McShane casts his spell on you as he did on Sarah & I! And don’t forget to wish Miss Sarah a very Happy Birthday!


Filed under Birthdays, Film Bloggers, Pick-me-ups