Tag Archives: circle skirt sew along

CSSA: Skirt Finished!

Well, the skirt is finished! This week, I hemmed up the bottom using the machine rolled hem method from Casey’s Hem Post. Before I settled on this method, I sewed that famed horsehair braid on the hem. It really IS magic stuff. It gave the hem a life of its own, pushing it out in lovely curves all around. But alas, it didn’t seem right for the lightweight fabric I’m using, so I removed it and went for the machine rolled hem instead. Behold the beautifulness of a completely hemmed skirt!

Have a look at the skirt laid flat. It’s an honest to goodness circle!

Up next, those scalloped suspenders – at the finish of which I promise I’ll model the ensemble!



Filed under Sewing

CSSA: Zipper and Waistband

Well, I’m making progress with my circle skirt! All caught up with the instructions and waiting to learn how to use the horsehair braid to hem the bottom. This week, I sewed in the zipper (vintage metal – my favorite!) decided on my waistband shape and drafted, interfaced and sewed it on.

Oh – you will notice that I’m not using the fabric from my supplies post. I discovered that the lovely plaid I was going to use for this wasn’t quite enough. I only had 3 1/2 yards and needed 4. So, I raided my fabric stash and came up with just the right amount of this cherry red cotton pique. Happy ending!

[Please excuse the bad lighting in that photo. It’s been raining here for more than a week and picture taking is difficult!]

Of course, as soon as I finished the waistband, I tried it on. Goodness gracious, I’ve never been so thrilled to wear a skirt in my life. The fabric flows from the waist in such a beautiful way, it’s like magic. And the swirling! I twirled and swirled in this for a good ten minutes before I was content. Every girl needs one of these skirts. It comes under the heading of Mandatory Morale Booster.I think I miscalculated in my measurements because I don’t have the overlap at the back of the waistband for the closure. It’ll be all right though, I’ll just sew the hook and eyes close to the edge and make it line up.

A little touch of gingham ribbon on the inside of the waistband here.

Up next:

Scalloped suspenders! I’m working on the measurements for these now. These will be checked and double checked for perfection! I’m leaning towards using big covered buttons to attach them. What do you think – is there something better?


Filed under Sewing

Circle Skirt Sew Along

Over at Elegant Musings, Casey is hosting her second sew along: making a circle skirt. I’m thrilled to be playing along this time because I was truly sad I couldn’t participate when she hosted her Swing Dress Sew-along earlier this year. College obligations took center stage then, but I am happily liberated from them now!

Because I have recently become enamored with Pinterest (thanks to the ever lovely Kate), I created a board of inspiration for my skirt here. From this, I determined my skirt must have two key features: a high waistband (possibly with matching suspenders) and pockets (if I end up doing the suspenders, these would be inside pockets).

The supplies for my skirt have been acquired: fabric, zipper, horsehair braid and Petersham ribbon. I followed Casey’s link and bought the horsehair braid and Petersham ribbon from A Fashionable Stitch. I’m thrilled with the purchase and highly recommend checking out the shop. My fabric is a 54″ plaid twill.

The other part of the sewalong is making a petticoat, a skill I have wished I add to my arsenal of sewing knowledge for ages. My selections for this were limited to what my local Joann’s had, so it will be plain black net.

Up next is drafting the pattern!


Filed under Sewing