Tag Archives: School

Pick-me-ups: Valentine’s

Just a quick drive-by post to let everyone know I’m still here.  An architecture presentation, layout project and graphic design test are in my future, so I can’t stop for blog time, yet.  I’m not complaining, though as I’m having a blast with all three classes!

In the meantime, I’ll share a photo of my Valentine’s haul.  It’s keeping my spirits high while working on my projects. :)


The little airplanes and buses are my favorites.  The airplanes say “Sweet Airlines” on the wings. They make for great eating, too. ;)


Filed under Pick-me-ups

Return to School

It’s a sad, sad day.  I have to go back to school.  Ugh!  And you know what the worst part is?  My Vintage Vogue suit isn’t finished yet!  Double ugh!

I’ve still got to piece the lining of the jacket together and sew it in.  I may be able to finish it, since my first (and only!) class today isn’t until late in the afternoon.  I’ll try.  I’ve got so many exciting things to share with you about the process of making this jacket.  It has really advanced my “couture” sewing skills! :)

I won’t be able to post quite as much as I have, and my sewing future always looks bleak when the semester starts, but hopefully I’ll have some wonderful artwork to share with you all!  Let me just say how much I enjoy reading all of your blogs and how happy I am to have made so many kind, new friends.

I leave you with this thrilling photo of the eternally dreamy Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. and the always lovely Ginger Rogers.  It’s from the film Having Wonderful Time in which Ginger has a short holiday at a mountain resort, meets and falls in love with Doug and then has to go home after having a fight with him.  (Don’t worry, it turns out wonderfully in the end!)  I have a soft spot in my heart for this sweet summertime classic.  Seeing this photo makes me want to sit right down and watch it.


Filed under Film Bloggers, Movie Review, School

Fashion Backward: A Hurried Vintage Vogue Suit

One glorious week of break before school starts.

And, instead of resting (as I should be) I have decided that I must have this suit before my break is over.  It’s a holdover from my summer sewing projects and I simply ran out of time when I was going to make it.  I have all the fabric and the notions and I’m going to be sewing away trying to finish it before I go back to the daily grind of homework, due dates and papers.

I’m currently working on the skirt and have it almost complete.  The front and back are sewn together and I’m working on piecing the waistband.  I hope to have a finished product tonight.  The jacket is a little complicated and time consuming, but I’ll manage.  It’s not my first jacket and it’s not fully lined, so that will save some time.  I’m quite determined – to quote my favorite heroine, Elizabeth Bennett.

Wish me luck!


Filed under Fashion Backward, School, Sewing

Lovely, Lovely A’s

aWe got our grade reports a couple of days ago and what to my wondering eyes did appear, but 6 A’s, relieving my fears!

I got an A in every class.  This was probably my worst semester ever for stress levels, homework overloads and sickness.  I never get sick, but this semester, I was sick the whole time!

Gotta be truthful here – it wasn’t exactly straight A’s.  In my superhard math class, I got an A-.  That ‘s something I never thought I could achieve.  I am so happy to have that A-, you can’t imagine.


(btw – I’ve never had an A in every class before.  There’s usually a B in there somewhere. ;) )

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