Reflections on a Festival: TCMFF 2017

Each year, when I return home after my week-long sojourn among the flickering films and swaying palms, I inevitably face a peppering of questions about what took place. It’s rather a hard experience to describe in a few sentences for a quick conversation. So hopefully, I can do a bit better here.

This year, my dear friend Kate and I stayed an entire week. We arrived in L.A. on Monday, giving us two and half days before the festival began on Thursday. The extra time pre-fest gave us a chance to grocery shop (a must for those not fond of living on popcorn and hot dogs for four days) and do a bit of sightseeing. To complete our trio, the incomparable Millie arrived on Tuesday to join the fun.

IMG_2450Top of my list of happy memories for this year’s trip was attending the Fashion in Film of TCMFF lecture of Kimberly Truhler at the Annenberg Community Beach House on Tuesday evening. Kimberly is herself a fashion icon and her knowledge of classic fashion and the fashion industry in general is breathtaking. What I enjoyed most about her discussion was the emphasis on the fashion designers themselves. Who trained them, who influenced them and how these incredible talents continue impacting fashion to this day. If you have a chance to attend one of Kimberly’s talks, do take it. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.

Before the lecture, our gal trio scampered about on the Santa Monica pier and splashed in the waves a bit. After 4 years of visiting California, I finally dipped my toes in the Pacific Ocean (thanks to the continual persistence of Millie).

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While Kate and I waited for Millie to arrive earlier that day, we visited the kind gents in Larry Edmunds, looked in on a wig shop (as you do) and wandered the alleys of Hollywood gazing at vintage buildings. We stumbled upon Los Angeles’s first outdoor shopping mall: Crossroads of the World, built in 1936. Kate and I couldn’t resist sneaking in to snap a few photos.

On Wednesday morning, Millie and I took the chance to hike a different trail near the Hollywood sign. These treks together have quickly become a tradition for us and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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I’m endeavoring to make these posts short and sweet this year, so do let me know your thoughts. More to come!

1 Comment

Filed under Classic Movies

One response to “Reflections on a Festival: TCMFF 2017


    Hey Casey! Love your posts! You know you should really try to get to the UK sometime! This music festival in particular:

    Hardly a movie in sight…but 4,000 1940’s/50’s swinging hepcats in one location is quite a spectacle to behold!

    All the best,



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