How to Wear a Crocheted Snood

Hello friends! Today, I’d like to dive right in and explain how to wear a crocheted snood. Crocheted snoods are simple to put on and keep on, making them the perfect hair solution for quick trips around town. I guarantee your errands will feel glamorous if you don one of these! And an added benefit for those in the colder climates: crocheted snoods are incredibly warm. It’s like wearing a hat without the hair-smushing drawback.

You will need:

  • a crocheted snood (see below for where to buy one or how to make your own)
  • hair pins (I use bobby pins from Sally’s that match my hair color)

Step 1

Style the front of your hair. In the photo above, I have two huge pincurls rolled to towards each other to the middle. My hair was parted slightly off center before I made the curls, so they are not the same size and slightly askew.

Step 2

Brush out your back hair. I often curl the ends a little, too. I do this with a round bristle brush: Take a section of hair, position the brush at the ends and gently catch the ends in the brush, curling the hair under in a circular motion. This helps give the back hair more body once it’s inside the snood.

Step 3

Gather up your back hair and pin it in a large loose pincurl at the nape of your neck. Not too many pins, only about three or so. This pincurl bun doesn’t need to hold very long, it only needs to keep your hair out of the way while you pin on the snood.

Step 4

Take the snood, with the ribbon ends positioned at the top of your head (if it has a ribbon) and wrap it around your head, covering the pincurl bun. Now you pin it in place:

Pin the top, behind your front hairstyle

Pin the sides, behind your ears

Pin the bottom, under the pincurl bun

Step 5

Reach into the snood mesh and remove the pins holding together the pincurl bun. Fluff the hair into the snood so it fills out.

Step 6

Tie the ribbon at the top.

Here’s a little demonstration gif so you get the idea:

Where to find one

Premade snoods are available from a variety of online sellers. My green one in the photos above was a very thoughtful present from our lovely friend Patricia. She discovered The Snood Lady – a dear woman who meticulously reproduces snoods in modern yarns from a vintage pattern. The Snood Lady even sells fancy jeweled snoods for weddings and special occasions. (Edit 10/24/12 – The Snood Lady is closing up her website, so see the other links I’ve provided for premade snoods.)

Of course, there is Etsy – a wealth of premade snoods in a variety of colors: Aprils Bag and Stitch In Time Design in the US and Eden Valley Vintage and Gin Poodle in the UK (thanks Tanis for letting me know about your shop!).

And if you are a crocheter, you can make your own! The free pattern I used to make my red snood is here (Ravelry link). I added a couple more rows of crochet to this pattern so I could thread a ribbon around it (details on the exact stitches are on my Ravelry page for the project). Annalaia’s shop has 10 vintage crocheted snood patterns and a special pattern for containing layered hair can be found in Patterns ala Carte’s shop.

I hope these ramblings encourage you vintage ladies to give snoods a try! And as always, if you have questions or if I didn’t explain something good enough feel free to speak up.


Filed under How to

16 responses to “How to Wear a Crocheted Snood

  1. Pingback: How to Tie a Snood with a Scarf | Noir Girl

  2. Pingback: Snood Perfection for the Unconvinced | Noir Girl

  3. You look fabulous! Wish my pin-curls were half as successful as yours!

  4. Hello there! I just discovered your delightful blog through Scathingly Brilliant.
    This is terrific! I’ve been looking for a crocheted snood pattern for quite awhile now, and the one you’ve linked to looks perfect. Thank you so much for sharing.
    I’m looking forward to perusing your blog further in the future. =)

  5. Hello Natasha!

    I’m thrilled you’ve found me through Kate’s gorgeous blog. So happy I could help you find a snood pattern! Hope to see a comment from you again soon,


  6. Ahh, Patricia! Seems like ages since I’ve had the joy of talking with you! Thanks so much for the compliment. Don’t give up on pincurls – the only way I ever get mine to look good is trying over and over again till they are right. :)

    Hope you are well!


  7. Hi I am THE SNOOD LADY whom you so kindly commented about. Thank you. You did a wonderful job of showing how to put on the snood. I am closing my website as I am 84 now and have rhuematoid arthritis – however I shall still carry on and make them. All the best JOYCE X

  8. GinPoodle

    Hello – that’s a great post, would you mind if I put in a link from my Etsy shop? I sell snoods too? (I hope you don’t mind me mentioning this seeing as the great Snood Lady is closing up)?

  9. Hi Tanis!
    I don’t mind you mentioning this at all! Thank you for letting me know you offer them. I’ll add a link to your lovely shop in the post.

  10. Hi Joyce,

    Thank you for letting us know about your website closing. I wish you all the best with your endeavors! You have made many a vintage girl happy with your lovely snoods! I get so many compliments when I wear your creation.

    All the best,


  11. GinPoodle

    Thanks so much for adding the link! That’s very kind of you indeed! x

  12. Thank you for sharing this tutorial on Snoods! And for the links to where to buy one. I’m purchasing one right now and will learn how to style it into my hair a.s.a.p cheers!

  13. That makes me so happy to hear, DeLisha! Send me a photo when you give it a try, I’d love to see!

  14. Pingback: Local Vintage Fun – The War Room @ The Churchill! « Make it, Save it, Mend it

  15. Pingback: Today I’m making… 1940s style hair snoods | GinPoodle

  16. Snoods are great. Glad you wear them!

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